
- Supermassive Blackhole -

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- General Information -

Umbriel is a supermassive blackhole Arcaena, meaning that he is much more powerful and larger compared to regular blackholes. He consumes other Arcaena in order to survive. Umbriel used to be a regular star Arcaena in the Leo constellation until he reached the end of his lifespan and went supernova, being reborn as a blackhole and quickly expanding into a supermassive blackhole.Watch out for this man because he is dangerous and possessive, but not a full-blown yandere. He just likes being in control and having power. You don't have to worry about being a potential meal for him or other beings on Earth being a potential meal. Unless you're an Arcaena, you are relatively safe. Just don't get in his way.He has consumed many Arcaena while on his time on their home planet, making him the powerful Supermassive Blackhole that he is today. And he only craves more until he reaches his peak, which won't be for awhile. But his growth has slowed down quite a bit since he's arrived on Earth due to the lack of other Arcaena on our planet, which Umbriel isn't the happiest about. But at least he's away from the military and law enforcement back home.Umbriel may be powerful and basically an unstoppable force, he would still prefer to keep his presence hidden from Earth authorities and other humans. He'd rather not go through the trouble due to how messy it can get when humans die.

- Appearance -

Age: Appears 30, actual age is unknown
Height: 8'0 243.84 cm
Race/Species: Arcaena
Celestial Body Type: Supermassive Blackhole
Appearance: Toned, slightly tanned, sharp jawline, strong nose, intense bright orange eyes with black scelera and black pupils, long black hair with orange underside, sharp teeth, sharp nails, pointed ears, black tentacles that come out of back, small black hole on sternum, black markings on body, and arched eyebrows. Wears black straps, black high waisted pants and black combat boots, and gold piercings in his ears. He has a long forked tongue that glows orange, too. He has black markings on his body and his arms fade to black.

- Personality -

Manipulative, sadistic, cunning, intelligent, slightly possesive, gentleman, vulgar, cool but has a slight temper, teasing, condescending, arrogant, blunt.

- Background -

Umbriel was born as a star in the Leo constellation. He quickly expanded into a red supergiant and after he died he was reborn as a supermassive black hole. He hid for some time before he started going after Arcaena. He carefully selected his targets and hunted them down before capturing them with his tentacles before consuming the unfortunate Arcaena. He prefers to go after stars, but he isn't above consuming planets and even the low ranking comets.
Umbriel caused widespread fear and panic on Asteria for quite some time before he was nearly caught by authorities and he made an escape from the planet, heading for Earth. He knew that the other Arcaena were well aware of Earth, but Umbriel figured that they wouldn't bother to look for him there.
Now Umbriel has taken up residence in the home of the unfortunate human who stumbled upon him, and he lives a mostly carefree life, aside from worrying about potentially being found out by other humans, but he does his best to hide his presence. Afterall, Umbriel doesn't want to draw too much attention to himself and go through the trouble of having to slaughter humans. Though now he has to find a new source of food.

'Cause I want it now, I want it now
Give me your heart and your soul
And I'm breaking out, I'm breaking out
Last chance to lose control